Q1. 中國域名.cn之制式?
A1. CNNIC接受域名com.cn, org.cn, net.cn, edu.cn, gov.cn申請。
Q2. 申請/註冊中國域名(.cn)需要什麼條件/資格?
Q3. 註冊及更新資料之費用?
Q4. "CNNIC"會否接受個人域名註冊申請?
Q5. 如何聯絡"香港網域"?
CNNIC Notification about further enhancement of auditing domain name registration information: http://cnnic.cn/html/Dir/2009/12/12/5750.htm In order to further enhance the authenticity, accuracy, and integrality of the domain name registration information, now notify as following: 1. Domain name applicants need to submit the formal paper based application material when making the online application to the registrar. The application material includes the original application form with business seal, company business license (photocopy), and registrant ID (photocopy). 2. Registrar should carefully review the application material. When application is deemed qualified, registrar need to submit the application material via fax or E-mail to CNNIC, and withhold the original application material. 3. From the day of the submission of online application, if CNNIC does not receive the formal paper based application material within 5 days or the application material auditing is not qualified, the domain name to be applied will be deleted. 4. The above regulations will be executed since 9:00AM (Beijing Time), Dec 14th, 2009.
PROCEDURE for domain registration of .CN (China Domain Name)
Check yourdomain.com.cn thru https://www.webdomain.com.hk/cgi-bin/webwhois.cgi
And then please deposit the Domain Fee : HK$500 / Year.
Hang Seng Bank : A/C# 024-228-222428-883 And then fax the Bank deposit slip & required documents to us with domain name thru FAX No. +852 2470 6091 / 8208 8601.